The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


When the rest of the Team went back to Lapland after a marathon delivery round at Christmas, this little Santa was left behind, marooned and exhausted in the Arnside Cemetery.  He's waiting patiently to be collected next Christmas.

Gus and I regularly visit to make sure he's ok, and today we took C with us.  Gus enjoys a circular walk round the graveyard, he gets to walk on the grass which is easier on his thin pads than pavements or gravel.

We had a good day today, and made lots of progress in the big garden tidy-up.  It was quite warm this afternoon, but not quite warm enough yet for Reg to emerge from his underground hibernaculum.  Any day now.  Last year, he came out on the 20th March.  This day last year I heard my first chiffchaff of the year, which was earlier than usual. 

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