Classroom view

A window of sorts.

Day 2 is the best... They've now got 90% of the knowledge. They've had a taste of outside.... So now we work on becoming people who step forward rather than back. By the last scenario people had found their voice, taken charge, are giving compassion, making the right triage choices. They dealt with what was in front of them, but also kept a close eye on the big picture.

In the Extra
That moment when you realise that you've stopped the bleeding, you're pleased with yourself, you've got an bystander recording observations, the casualty rallies a little and asks if you've found their missing finger....

Approaching an aggressive casualty safely and calmly.

Oops, woman sure someone will notice... eventually....

Ooh that's a lot of blood, what's that over there.... ah, it's a foot.....

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