Pussy Willows

I was determined to at least get outside today. Not that it's any nicer ...39F (4C)...and overcast, but I'm tired of being holed up. Like a hibernating bear (and almost as grumpy.)

There are only 2 things blooming here. Crocuses and pussy willows. The tulips aren't too far behind, but no flowers yet.

I had my second softball throw today. We got smarter, and decided to throw indoors at a local church gym. It went much better. I still short-armed a few, but overall...felt much better.

After throwing for 15-20 minutes, I decided to join the 3 walkers that were circling the gym. Back and forth...or...around and around.

I outlasted all three. I then decided to break into my race walker walk. You know the one...the one that makes you look like a crazed stork on drugs. Arms a-swinging, knees a-flying, head a-bobbin. Goofy looking.

Years ago...during my running days...2 friends and I went to Mackinac Island for an 8 mile race. It was a time where I was running fairly fast...maybe 7 minute miles.

I was in the last half mile...when I was passed by a race walker. "NO WAY WAS A WALKER GOING TO BEAT A WELKER...WHILE I WAS RUNNING!! But...beat me he did. I couldn't catch him.

Come to find out...he was on the American Olympic Team as a race-walker. That should have made me feel better, but it didn't. I forget his name...Gary something. The dude could walk.

Walking inside...following the lines...is kinda boring. But...it was warm AND dry...and that felt good.

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