Mono ..........

 ............... Monday425  (MM425)  -  wonderfully hosted by the lovely Peggy (KangaZu)  -  optional challenge today:
  " Describe your photo style with just one word "
Mine is usually  " Desperate "   :o))

As I was mooching around the internet (I know mooching means something different in the US)  -  I came across some old photos of a nearby town - what fun (I thought) try and recreate them today (not a new idea at all) .......... here is my first one:
The String of Horses pub in the early 1900s and, below it, as seen this afternoon.
Tricky to get the angle just right without getting run over or blared at by crazy drivers (it's not me that's crazy standing in the middle of the road, of course) but it's not too bad for starters.

I decided to convert my photo to mono for a little more realistic comparison.

Smile for the Day:

What did the Bishop say after they redid his vestibule floor with black and white tiles?

" It looks beautiful but now I  fear I can only enter and exit diagonally "


~ Anni ~

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