If at first . . .

I know - it’s stitching again, but that’s what I have been doing today. The current task was to work with our favourite colour and then do lots of knots. I don’t really have a favourite colour, my choices change quite often, but I am always drawn to Autumn colours and when I looked at the threads I bought at the Stitch Festival - that’s what they were! I gathered a few bits and started stitching. Now French Knots I am fine with, but Bullion knots, something Anne loves, I have never been able to do. It involves winding the thread round the needle lots of times and pulling the needle through, so a worm-like knot appears - tricky. I wasn’t even going to try, then decided that was cowardly. I did a few and they weren’t good. I returned to French knots. Then I tried again - a bit better but still not good. I carried on and suddenly realised that the stitches were perfect . . . every time. I know it’s a little thing, but acquiring a skill, however trivial, is very satisfying. 

One has to find joy in little things, as the big things out there are too big to cope with at the moment. . 

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