Mono Monday. : : Opportunistic

Opportunistic describes my photographic style as well as anything. I do not claim to be a very good photographer and am too lazy and/or technologically incapable of mastering the intricacies of 'going off auto', but I am totally addicted to taking a picture every day and looking for something that interests me. Sometimes the picture describes my day or my life quite well, other days it has nothing to do with anything. I just like it.  I think today's mono perfectly describes the delicate balance that is my life, and I suspect most people's lives these days. It appeared overnight beside the trail

Our plan A for the dogs at night worked well for one night but didn't work so well last night.  The result was that I was not well rested when John came in and said it was time to get up. I also thought I had another hour,  but it turns out that my Kindle doesn't automatically change to Daylight Savings time and I only had 30 minutes to spring into action. All in all a bit of a rocky start to the day, which also happens to be my birthday, but as Lady Findhorn is fond of saying, we can just draw a veil over that....
I told John we needed to have a Plan B for the dogs because having Spike jumping off the bed and snuffling and barking under the door wasn't  working. 

Our Plan B revealed itself as we were heading into our 'studio' for our Pilates class. We looked into our bedroom and both dogs were happily stretched out on our bed. Plan B is obviously that John and I sleep in the guest bed and give our rather more capacious bed over to the dogs....

Thanks to KangaZu for hosting this month and for her interesting themes....

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