Subconscious Realms

It's been a scratchy sort of day - damp and grey and hard to settle at stuff. No wonder for, according to my horoscope: the temperamental Moon in your subconscious realm is in tough opposition to reliable Saturn. Those blooming subconscious realms, eh.
The good news - a new blog
the bad news: when I went to sort through my photos for the other St Patrick's wells discovered in Limerick recently there was nothing! Absolutely nothing. With impressive precision I have managed to completely delete all photos for the 8th March, that was around 150 images and six wells recorded.  I reckon my subconscious realms have been at it for some time. I know how I did but still can't believe I did it. My computer was creaking with fullness so I deleted a lot of unnecessary stuff - yes, you've guess it, and instead of allowing that stuff to lurk in my bin for ages as I usually do, I deleted everything in that too. All is not lost though , thank goodness for travelling companions, for I know Finola will have a raft of images and she might share.
Ah well.

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