Female Cardinal

Female Cardinal beautifully posed at one of the bird feeders today.

My morning started as it always does with the out the back door photo exchanges with my Mum & sister. My Mum and I also do Wordle every day and exchange how we do with that. Oh, & I exchange Wordle results with Birgit too!

After doing my this and that this morning, it had warmed up enough that I thought I would sit outside for an hour in the sunshine. There was sunshine too although there were also some dark clouds in the sky.

After that hour out there, enough of the dark clouds were overhead to make it cool enough that I was ready for inside again but I had manage a few bird photos and had also cleaned & refilled both the birdbath and water fountain.

Kent had gone to Lumberton for work today and I had asked him if he finished up early enough to please go to Burney’s and get some cream cheese croissants.

He not only did that but also brought home a few St Patrick’s Day chocolate lollipops. We took croissants to both Jim’s & Runyon’s and we took croissants and St Patrick’s Day lollipops to the Keeter’s that live behind us.

When we went to the Keeter’s, Lacey said they were all sick with summer colds and feeling miserable and these treats made their day. We had barely gotten home again when we got a text photo of Felicity and a message that she had said “Mommy, that donut I just ate was tasty!” So glad the timing was so right and we helped make her little soul feel better.

Tomorrow morning first thing I go get my yearly mammogram so no staying up late and no sleeping in!

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