I had a bit of a manic sunday. After deciding last night that I would get a new camera today it meant fitting it into the schedule.

I got up and packed ready to go to New Word Alive and had a lush peach juice in carluccio's with the fam before heading to the camera shop. We were there just as it opened and I tested out the camera again and decided on what deal to get. Bought it and rushed back to Phil's and straight to the station. I'm not going to have any time to properly use it this week.

I managed to get away with having gotten away with having a train ticket for an earlier train (that I missed due to buying a camera) which was good. I got to Prestatyn and had to lug my bag and find Pontin's. I got to the gate and was greeted by a massive hug from Est and then continued to see so many Relay's. It was nice to briefly see everyone from Week 1 before they left.

It was straight into action after our brief low down on stewarding. I quickly moved into my chalet (surprisingly better than the first time I was there, but still a dump) and it was straight on to stewarding the great marque for both sessions back to back... which basically means standing up for 4 and a half hours and telling people they can't sit wherever they like.

I did see loads of people I wasn't expecting to see which was exciting and Amy G bought me a hot water bottle from home. Babe. Then Making Faces did some comedy in the evening.

Also my Brother bought my old camera off me so I encouraged him to get blip to try and get him taking more pictures. So he did... I think you should check it out.

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