The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Tipping Point

He leans forward and then suddenly he's in flight, it all happens so quickly. I'm trying to keep this blip light-hearted, and make it a celebration of the comical nature of Woody and his woodpipeon pals; and a celebration too of the speed of their reflexes and their mastery of flight, part practice but mostly innate.  So let's just leave it at that. 

C has been running a short series of relaxation classes for friends, and I found it helpful tonight, even though Gus decided to come for a bit of relaxation therapy himself at the end.

This afternoon I had a Dermatology appointment for something that I should have had looked at two years ago, the legacy of the lockdowns and the feeling of not wanting to add to the burden on the Health Service when Covid was hospitalising so many people.  Anyway, it can still be dealt with - just one more small scar to add to the many traces left by a journey through life.  I have an appointment in just over a month.

Good news today, I heard a bittern while walking Gus up to the wood at 0730, the boom was carrying from Silverdale Moss a kilometre away.

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