Being Entertained

I am trying to be diligent about isolating for the week until my next party invitation to the WGH. It means very early morning excursions to shops empty of crowds and no socialising inside cafés. It ‘s all very dispiriting and making me anxious when everyone seems to either have Covid or have just been in contact with someone with it.

I scurried down to M&S to get fruit at 8:15am today and took this blip of the old town skyline under the bluest of skies with the reconstructing of East Princes Street Gardens almost finished after the desecration caused by the Christmas Market.

I haven’t resorted to the Jigsaw Puzzle yet having managed to find other diversions like washing jumpers by hand and sticking a swab on a bendy stick down my throat and up my nose to confirm that I am still Covid -ve. There are always ways to entertain yourself.

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