Census Day

Apologies for the blurry picture but it’s the only one I took today. I filled out the census form last week but waited to submit it today. Wonder what future historians will make if the fact that Scotland delayed the census by a year? Much easier to complete online and weird to think that 41 years ago I was an enumerator in Aberdeen. I was paid £100 for delivering/collecting/collating census firms round my patch. If householders couldn’t/wouldn’t fill in their turns we did but had to use purple pens!

Whilst Mr PHL hoovered, I put a chicken, leek, mushroom and ham pie filling together ready for dinner. My friend Susan and her puppy Scoobie came round Kate afternoon for dinner. We had a bit of a planning session for our trip to Orlando in July. All getting closer!!

The pie went down well and due to leaving it too close to the edge of the counter, even Phin enjoyed his taste of pasty.

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