And So it Begins....

....the annual saga of the tomato plants. For the most part, I think John has accepted that it is a whole lot easier to go to the nursery for veggie starts, but he loves the whole process of planting tomato seeds in their little pots, setting them underneath the lights (and on top of a special heating pad), watching them grow, pinching them back, potting them up to bigger pots, carrying them outside to get some sun and back inside at night and finally putting them into the ground. He would probably sing to them if he could carry a tune....

I've heard that anybody can be taught to sing and that there is no such thing as being 'tone deaf' but apparently John's fourth grade music teacher didn't get that memo because when they had occasion to sing together, she told John to 'stand in the back row and mouth the words'...
He refers to it often enough that I think it killed any desire to ever try to sing, so I can't even comment on his ability in that department....

 Back in the same era,I was the only girl in a seventh grade wood shop class because the home economics teacher was determined to cure my left-handedness  by trying get me to wield a sewing needle with my right hand. I can do quite a few things with either hand but that was not one of them. I really liked wood shop....

Teaching has come a long way since then....

We. got out early this morning for Spike's walk and it was still cold.* He must have heard us discussing the possibility of a walk as he was doing the canine version of shifting from foot to foot as we assembled our clothing from various parts of the house. It's a lot easier for him to jump off the bed, give a good shake and be good to go while we're still looking for shoes and trying to remember what we did with the hat and gloves.

When we got back I took advantage of the one day when neither David nor the Gustavos were here to take a nice hot bath. Listened to an interesting podcast about how we make decisions and ways in which the age of technology influences them. There was also some interesting information about how we can, and already are influenced by artificial intelligence.

Instead of getting messages that say, 'if you enjoyed (what you just read), you might like (something else exactly like it)' why couldn't we get a message that says, 'you've been reading a lot of mysteries lately, you might be challenged by the following completely different suggestions'.


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