I can see your house from here!

We missed last month's Wetlands Bird Survey because of the storms and floods, so it was good to get out today even if it meant getting up at 5am on a cold and frosty morning to get to our site by sunrise. It was frosty and hazy to start with, but it burned off in time to reveal a stunning morning with wonderful light. A good selection of birds, if nothing spectacular. The Mandarins had paired off, and some were hunting for nesting sites. They are tree nesters, so it's always a good idea to look up, and not just on the water or the banks. The two in extras were high up and would have been easy to overlook, although it's fair to say, from their vantage point, they overlooked us. The Spring Equinox is here. The clocks go forward next week, and we seem to be set for a continuing spell of fine, settled weather. Bring it on!

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