
Although I have had bulbs of one kind or another in flower all through the winter, the appearance of other flowers in the garden always has me thinking that Spring has really arrived.   This is Saxifraga x apiculata, an alpine saxifrage that makes a hard, somewhat prickly cushion of foliage plus these bright flowers - in spring.   I first acquired it about twenty five years ago and thanks to the ease with which cuttings root, I've kept it going ever since.   When happy the cushions can spread quite wide, this plant, now perhaps eight inched across, started out as a single rosette cutting maybe ten years ago.   It's growing in a smallish trough, over a piece of tufa.   What soil there is after all these years, is compacted and lean which will have helped keep the plant tight and relatively compact.   Give it too much nutrient and it grows more lax and soft, spreading further and faster.

Back in Birmingham with Ruth tonight.   This afternoon we met someone from an agency that provides support.  She was in tune with Ruth and although they will have to recruit for the hours, so there's no quick fix, this is how this kind of care work is.   The rates of pay are so low that supermarket work pays better and when there was a threat of mandatory vaccination, staff were leaving the profession and agencies like this one were looking at downsizing their operations.  A very sad state of affairs.

Some jobs to do tomorrow before I return home.   Ruth's Mum, who had planned a weekend visit here, is still unwell and if she cannot come, I will be back on Thursday evening to pick Ruth up again.   This is how it will be until we can source more support.   Please can we have an extra day in the week?! :-/

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