It Got Me

I felt like I was getting another cold yesterday so decided to do another LFT this morning before seeing the girls for the day. So glad I checked as a very faint line showed up. Poo. Its finally got me after 2 years of avoiding it. I can only think I must have got it when out shopping with Baby J 5 days ago as thats the only time I have been anywhere without a mask. I wanted him to be able to see me smiling at him. Or maybe Daughter Number 2 had it without knowing as she too had a bit of a cold last week but didn't bother testing.

Obviously I cancelled my plans for the day with the girls and Babies (gutted) but it caused a bit of a dilema in the Lady Linda household. She needs to be able to avoid it as shes off to Kendal again next week to see her mum in the care home. She has a train and holiday cottage booked with a friend.

So, while she decided what we needed to do, I went out with Mr W to get a PCR test done. We walked Bella (somehwere were we knew we could avoid people) and I waited in the car while he went to the dentist and took Bella to the vet for Fat Club and have her glands checked. We then saw his Daughter Alex for her Birthday today - keeping our distance in her carpark - she too has Covid!!!! 

Mr W and I both wore masks in the car and Lady Linda went round the house with anti bac wipes while we were out. She called me to say she had decided what to do - I was to stay in my room and the conservatory with the door open. I can have dinner in there!! Fine by me and really appreciate her not chucking us out - not that we have anywhere to go until Saturday when we are off to Cornwall!!! HTe holiday let cottage have kindly agreed we can stay even if we test +ve as we are currently homeless and they still follow strict cleaning procedures.

Now might be the time Mr W finds out just how much I do with Bella - getting up at 7.30 every single morning, feeding her, letting her out throughout the day, cooking dinner ect. At the moment Im looking forward to a bit of quiet time but the novelty might wear off after 24 hours!!!!! 

Fingers crossed Im not too affected by it and Mr W stays negative as a man with Man flu AND covid might be a bit much for anyone to handle!!!!! Wish me luck!

Our only trouble is - we can't get hold of any more LFT's so how will we know if Mr W gets it or when I'm negative???? Daily PCR's???

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