
I slept quite well last night despite the open window, open curtains, bright moon, 687 rooks nesting in the trees and the pond fountain!!! Infact the fresh air felt quite nice and I was tucked up under my electric blanket!!

My PCR came in at 5.20am to confirm what I feared and today was my 1st full day in isolation.

Mr W got up to Bella for the 1st time in 3 and a half years and brought me a coffee - but no biscuits!!! I was allowed a shower after everyone else but have my own loo and sink to brush my teeth.

Im allowed in the conservatory with the door open and outside - 2 metres apart from Lady Linda or Mr W. Everything is wiped down behind me.

Mr W;s PCR came back inconclusive. I thought it might as he didn't use the car mirror and gaggled like a..... I don't know...... so he booked another one for him and Lady Linda. I knew he didn't do it right!!! 

Then after a few hours of self pity and grumpyness from Mr W, he went for a blast on the bike and came back apologising. He HATES me being ill and misses me terribly. He needs his hugs and kisses and can't bear not being close to me. Anyone would think it was him that had Covid!!!!

I havn't felt too bad. Just a bit of a cold at the moment with a blocked nose and a cough. I'm quite enjoying the peace and quiet in my room but am a bit frustrated at not being allowed to get food or drink and I have to rely on everyone else. I hate being a burden too. And I miss Bella. 

And I'm sad for Lady Linda. Its her house we have caused chaos in and her son has cancelled all dog walks with her and Mothers Day plans on Sunday as his wife is a bit Covid phobic - despite him having it last week!!! She is coping with a lot right now.

Luckily she has a beautiful and very large garden she treasures so I'v had a wander round it several times today, shooting blossom. 

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