A great day out

Awoke to another sunny day - warm, dry and windless. I drove northwards to Kinlochlaich Garden Centre at Appin and had a good look around the place to see if Fiona had any plants that I couldn't do without. She is quite good at ordering a better selection than many garden centres and I picked out a couple of shrubs and a few pots of bulbs. At 11.15 in company with a few staff and friends she cooked up bacon rolls and poured cups of tea and a pleasant time was had by all!

I then took the nearby road to Port Appin. This narrow road along the coast looks out over a beautiful view, including Castle Stalker, so I had to stop for a picture. It was still hazy, but as gorgeous as ever! This is today's Blip. I had arranged to call on a friend I'd not seen for twenty years and we had a great chat in the garden over tea and biscuits, catching up on each other's past years.

Then it was back over the Connel Bridge and along the south side of Loch Etive to see another friend who keeps a small nursery Near Taynuilt. I arrived just after 3pm and was quite surprised when I later  discovered it was after 6.15! It was on the way home that I remembered that tonight was the Photo Club AGM and I didn't have much time - enough time to stop for a picture of the glorious sunset though, my extra today!

Arrived home just in time to feed the cats and get ready to go out again, unfortunately missing dinner in the process - I'm sure it will do me no harm! All-in-all a lovely day!

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