Art on The Prom

ECA Year 3 students were installing various temporary art pieces down on the Prom and beach this afternoon. I was down a bit later so didn't get a chance to speak to any of the artists. I'm guessing they were responsible for an elaborate bit of sand drawing (detail in the extra) and there were a couple of large posters on the side of the Pipe Street toilets but the thing that caught my eye were the A4 posters attached to lamp posts for Moving Image. There was a QR link that took me to a short 'booklet' of images, although it didn't work very well on my phone for some reason. The cover image on the poster was of a child's coat hanging over a bollard - clearly taken at the Joppa end of the Prom. When I got there, the coat was still there so I took my own image, adding to the creative conversation.  

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