
By CreativeCarol

Pretty in Pink!

After the gray rainy skies of yesterday, it was a delight to have a beautiful sunny Saturday. My hubby and I spent the afternoon buying and planting some flowers that needed replanting after the winter. It is always fun to do home projects with my very best friend.

I have always wanted to have a bird feeder but was reluctant with all the squirrels that we have on our property. but we saw this Squirrel-Be-Gone Bird feeder at the store and decided to give it a try. Lots of bird flying and singing around the house and none of them even came close! At least, we enjoyed the afternoon hearing them as we planted away. Instead my blip is a photo of the Gerber Daisy that we planted in a bright blue pot on the patio. I hinted to my hubby that a Macro lens would make this a better shot!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

"The splendor of the rose and the whitness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it's scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its lovliness."

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