Churchyard Primroses

Yesterday I was asked if I would take some photographs of the primroses in a local churchyard. So I took a wide angle and Lensbaby Velvet 28 knowing I would need to get down low and close to make anything of them at all; I also wanted to get the church in the background to give some context - I think it is hoped that this view might make it into the Village calendar for next year.

A fair bit of crawling around on the ground avoiding any damage to the blooms - so many times I just got everything lined up and then I notice a twig or leaf or bit of grass that needed 'moving' and once Pepper came and stood in front of the lens!  Fortunately there was one suitable prolific group where the ground was a little higher than elsewhere giving a good POV.  The flowers are just going over and maybe just a little past their peak.

My agility for this low level photography is not what is was and the getting up and down not good spectator sport!

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