Another One

There could be others on the way, but it will not be the same as in previous years.  Really need to work on that in the autumn.  In the meantime, I look forward to the tulip fields.

Today, after a 'sabbatical' of some 10 months, I thought I'd look in on my genealogy project as I hadn't touched it.  Only two sets of requests this past year, and the centre took its time in replying because they are currently in the process of digitalizing everything, which is a good thing.  I wanted to check the latest news, and I especially wanted to know when they would be ready to process requests again.  I came across a project they've set up to speed up the digitalization process, and saw that they have encouraged volunteers to participate.  Instead of paying everyone for their trouble and time, they will give the participants free access to information, the kind I usually ask for -- so much information in exchange for the number of names a participant inputs into the system.  Of course I applied as a participant, and managed 650 names for today.  The project should go on till about 2024.  About 6 million names have to be inputted, and there are about 475 of us, each one working whenever and wherever it suits him/her, with one's own laptop or computer, and there is no need at all to download any sensitive computer program.  In short, peanuts, and all one needs is a little patience.  I look forward to increasing my output.  That said, I have enough on my plate at the moment.  The funny part of it is that I am now doing the exact same thing the main character in my book is doing.

In between all that, I've begun to work on the backlog of info they've sent me.  Also did the usual household chores, including supermarket errands, but the nicest part was sitting in the backyard for a spell, enjoying the warm afternoon sun with my tea, AW nearby surveying his garden.  A most lovely day!

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