Not the Mothers Day I had planned!

I didn't realise it was Mothers Day today when I booked our Homeless Adventure leg in Cornwall but just as well I did as I am still testing positive so wouldn't have been able to see the kids even if I was back "home".

So today I did something I never thought I'd do. I went to see my mum. We are only 20 minutes away from where she is and I wanted to show Mr W her home. I didn't feel much and think perhaps she's not even there. But I have done it now and I won't need to go again. Its ironic that I go to see her with Covid when thats what she died from. 

After sitting for a while, Mr W took me to Widemouth Bay. Bella seemed relax for most of it. She's not really a beach lover - especially if dogs run at her so I took her long lead just in case. She was ok until a great dane youngster ran at her!!!

We are back at the barn now. Mr W is having a doze while I cook a roast - with my face mask on!!! We are doing our best to stay apart, wiping down anything I touch and keeping the door open.

Tonight we plan to go and watch a sunset somewhere seeing as this might be the last sunny day for a while - but its been nice.

Happy 1st Mothers Day to my beautiful girls. Hoping they had a great day.


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