Socially Distanced walk on the beach

I took Bella for a walk along the river from our Barn into Camelford, exploring a nature reserve which was quite nice while Mr W worked.

We then did a dress shirt hunt in Wadebridge and Bodmin as Mr W has a Black tie event next weekend. I waited in the car. He failed and gave up - deciding to wear his plain white shirt instead.

So we headed to Polzeath Beach for a walk. I want to try and discover as many different beaches as we can while here in Cornwall so if anyone can recommend one I'd love to give it a try.

We took a ball for Bella and apart from playfully chasing one dog off - she seemed quite relaxed and happy. Perhaps a ball is a bit of a comfort blanket for her.

Made a curry for dinner but realised my sense of taste must have gone as the curry tasted exactly the same as the rice, the Samosas and the poppadoms!!! Most wierd!!

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