
By gillsabroad

Changing Seasons

With the changing seasons moving us nearer and nearer to the dreaded Japanese summer it's time to start shedding some of my winter layers. With this in mind today has been one of those days when I've resolved to nurture my inner domestic goddess (who is usually buried so deep she rarely sees the light of day!) You know the kind of things: take more exercise; cook healthy meals; eat more than the recommended 5 portions of fruit and veg a day; limit my alcohol intake; drink more water & less caffeine; bake; create a capsule wardrobe, knit a blanket for the dog bed etc... etc... etc...

An initial bout of enthusiasm resulted in the dog being sprinted around the block at record speed, putting together two casseroles, a sweet potato salad and the consumption of a couple of gallons of green tea all before 9am.

I'm since reorganised the kitchen cupboards, packed away my winter thermals, attended a Japanese craft fair in the local park and bought enough fruit and veg for a small village. Now, exhausted by all of my good intentions I'm eying up the sofa and remote, trying to ignore the recently discovered chocolate that's calling to me from the back of the cupboard and I'm considering the merits of a pizza delivery... Hey ho!

Happy Sunday Blippers!

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

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