Went the day well.

It's been a fairly quiet couple of days. Lovely weather lately although it turned a bit cooler today.
Everyone came round for Mothering Sunday, not for dinner, just to visit and see Marlane.
Buddy was just chillin' out using both child chairs and yesterday we'd scarified the lawn (I always called it 'Scaryfied' as it frightens the life out of the grass), and then mowed it. Sowed some grass seed in the bare bits and roughed it up before watering.
Back to today and Eric was thrilled. As they'd been away he received a few dinosaur themed presents from Joanne and Daniel. He loves dinosaurs and was so excited. Joanne said he's the best present receiver she's ever met HAHAHAHAHAHA
This morning I also biked it into town to get a couple of cans of spray paint to do an outside chair and patch up the others that were looking a bit worse for wear. On the way back I popped into 'Oily Rag' but as the coffee machine was broken I didn't hang about, despite there being half a dozen Harleys there.
This afternoon, as F.M.i.L. was out with her Holland based daughter, we went to pick up some plants and pots for outside, and then planted them.
Settling down for the evening now. Night Night Everyone. 
I was looking for a clip of the Sooty show when they just say 'Night Night everyone, Night Night' but couldn't so here's a whole show you can watch with any children around.
Getting a Good Nights Sleep | The Sooty Show - YouTube

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