A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


A mixed busy day today. Some outside work including trying out some colours on the rendering, and getting the hedge trimmer out - as things do that leads to looking at the guttering, and finding dodgy bits of wood that need dealing with.

Later was ploughing through rental and tenancy rules and regulations again, as we get towards the end of our tenants academic year. Then processing another batch of Swiss photos.

Later, half a dozen friends arrived and we shared a Chinese, a cake in celebration of birthdays and anniversaries, and played games. One half played Tikal but we were introduced to Space Cadets by Skyrider. It's a cooperative game that tries to fix the problem, common in cooperative boardgames (which are rather flavour-of-the-month since the success of Pandemic) of one player dominating and telling everyone else what to do. Here each player has their own task - and a 30-second time limit.

The blip is of the Captain trying to maximise connected circles.

Cooperatively, we lost. A small matter of a core breach...

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