First of the year

The unseasonably warm weather of the last few days has coaxed out the first of the Bluebells, growing in sheltered south-facing conditions at Old Sulehay. Although this seems early, there are always a few ahead of the pack. With cooler weather forecast for the next couple of weeks, most will be in flower about the end of April, as usual.

A quiet walk round the wood was the ideal antidote to yesterday. It's approaching peak Wood Anemone coverage, and I was also pleasantly surprised to find many clumps of Toothwort growing at the base of Hazel and Field Maple coppice stools. 

We had a second Mother's Day meal in the evening. Thanks to changing plans everyone was there, but this time we enjoyed a splendid Mexican meal. Despite me saying I didn't want any gifts, Sarah brought me a beautiful hand-tied bunch of flowers  - she really has a talent for flower-arranging!

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