A Blessed Day

We received a call last night that we had actually won some items at Sunday’s benefit auction. Hubby and I went over and collected a lovely red, white and blue door wreath; a basket of home baked brownies, cookies, cupcakes and candy and a popcorn bowl filled with boxes of popping corn, three dvds and a ton of movie candy. Our winnings exceeded our contribution. My sister let me know the cherry tree we planted in memory of our father was in bloom. Since we were close by, and tomorrow would be Daddy’s 95th birthday, we decided to go to the cemetery. The blossoms should peak in a few days; hope some birds find the nest. A huge cedar tree out behind the last stones had broken in half during the recent wind storm. What a shame. We found the tiny new lending library near the church. A gentleman stopped to use it after I got my photo. We continued north and stopped to share our goodies with my sister and BIL. They picked up our mother and we met them and Kristen and two of her children for a pre-game dinner. As you have probably already guessed, the biggest blessing came later tonight when we won the league championship with a score of 40-7. Jamie put in his youngest players for much of the game. His first string even slowed their point scoring believe it or not. It is as many folks commented. This team is a combo of extreme talent and expert coaching. It was a bittersweet moment because it is the end of an era for me. I’ve been involved with the Catholic school league since Jamie started playing 42 years ago. The players lived up to their values of good sportsmanship, respect for the officials and humility after the win. I think they definitely learned more than how to win a game of basketball. Thanks for stopping by. I sincerely appreciate your stars and kind comments. Let’s continue our thoughts and prayers for Ukraine; looks like the cease fire was not sincere. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” - Zig Ziglar

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