Windmill 'De Hoop', Tholen

There are two in Tholen and, almost predictably, one of them had to be called 'The Hope'.  Much, much more positive than, say, 'The Despair'.
Dirty Secret of the Day -- sometimes, I feel like 'Tholen' is actually 'Solen' but with a lisp.  The 'h' is silent as Dutch does not have the 'th' sound.

From the A4, the N286 was shut close to Tholen due to road repair work, so I followed the detour further along the A4 to the southwest and ended up reaching Tholen through the N659, way past Bergen op Zoom, a very long detour.  Not wanting to return the same way, drove to the northwest on the way back, crossing the island and then reaching the A4 again near Steenbergen ('Stain-bergen').  It was a beautiful day, though, and so worth the effort.

Earlier in the day, I'd already mailed Chapter 9 to the group, and when I got back there was just enough time to have dinner with AW before preparing for the weekly ZOOM meeting, which ended up starting an hour later, giving me more time to prepare as well as to input some genealogy info into my own files.  In short, not much housework done today except for the usual kitchen cleaning duties.  AW did have his regular Wednesday regional bridge online.

I believe more than a sprinkling of cold white powdery stuff is expected in the north tomorrow but temperatures will plummet where we are as well.  Thankful I seized today for some lovely shots.

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