Snowy April Showers...

...albeit on thre last day of March.
I was feeling rather tired when I got home from Italy but that seemed natural as I'd been travelling for two days, and had skied fairly hard (for a 71 year-old) the preceding 6 days.  
However, the tiredness grew and the sniffles and sore throat got started an eventually I realised I had a bug. Cold, flu, covid, who knows, but it doesn't feel too bad, even if it's left me considering the walk to our post-box (about 250m) as something of a trek.  I did manage to get this photo as I took the recycling to the bin, on the way to get that post.
Something to be grateful for is that I've slept really well the last two nights. Last night I slept 9 hours, got up and had a cup of tea, returned to bed and slept 2 more hours. This is not normal!
When I'm feeling under the weather it makes me so grateful for many of the things I otherwise take for granted. Having a warm house, comfortable bed, and most of all the lovely Jan encouraging me to use various nose-clearing sprays and other helpful medicines I probably wouldn't have used otherwise.
This bench and its partner were rescued from a container about 25 years ago. They have been steadily reinforced and repaired over the years, but I think this one will last at least one more summer.
Today's Dolomite backblip is for the 22nd March.

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