Living my dream

By Mima

Way to go

We had an accidental 11km walk today. It was a wet start, then a cool overcast day which was perfect for being out and about rather than gardening.

After walking to have a cuppa with friends we turned and went up the hill, instead of down it towards home. I was in the mood to keep going, so up we went to to the top, where we came across this signpost. 

I've driven the length of Paradise Gully Road a few times, but not walked it before. It was lovely and we'll do it again. 

Bean bounced around all the way - up and down again. I kept up a good pace despite the relentless uphill plod: I'm pleased with my fitness level at the moment, thanks entirely to the garden of course. 

Just one vehicle passed us. Sheep ran away from fencelines when they saw the scary dog. Cattle came to look at the same fascinating dog. 

I love the cow peering at her through the grass and dead thistles in the photo. It took an age for Bean to realise she was there. She took one look and scarpered, so I was lucky to take a shot at the perfect moment.

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