
By Brotographer

Glass & Concrete Gardens at Night

Back in Paris baby. Not in the mood to start work again yet though, plus the whole family is down here! Except for Ambre, who's having fun in Brazil. My mom and I went to Place de Clichy and Pigalle to buy some stuff at the huge textile and carpet stores at the foot of Montmartre. On the way back, we were slowed by a manif' (demonstration), typical. Despite this, I didn't have my camera for either, so only one photo taken today.
Excuse me for the low optical quality of this shot, it's a poor lens at 105mm. It was late at night before I realized I didn't have a photo yet. This always happens the first day I change environments! Anyways, this is La Defense, viewed at night from in between some more 'standard' buildings. Purple skies and orange streets.

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