Ice Cream Castles

I have been working in the garage today, and had some time to take my daughter Ell for a spin in the Jag. 

I think she liked it. She giggled as she asked me what the S button was for. 

I took her for a spin out along the A41 towards Cosford, and then back along the M54 to Fordhouses and home through Bilbrook and Codsall.

She really giggled when I pressed the S button and demonstrated what this kitty cat likes to do. 

I am now waiting for a letter in the post. It is a bit quick. 

My wife and I then took Hollie for a walk over Smestow Valley and the skies were utterly fantastic. I couldn't capture the drama in one exposure so did a little collage.

The top shot shows the view of the distant ridge that runs from Tettenhall out to Perton and Pattingham. Tettenhall College is just visible on the right hand side. 

The other shots show the rain coming in from the north east and the fabulous clouds stacked up in the western sky. 

These conditions excite me. At one with the elements. 

Thank you for all the pleasing comments, stars and hearts given in this week of travels and weather extremes. Always much appreciated! 

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