Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

There will be crows

Not only do we have to take down the suet feeder every night so the raccoon doesn't steal it, we now have a flock of crows...three of them...who are coming to steal food from the platform feeder.   

So how to get them to stop coming?   I bang on the window (after the photo of course!) but they only stay away for a while before sneaking back.   Hoping that if I keep scaring them off they will get the message.

The red-bellied woodpecker is definitely taking up food and flying away to somewhere.  And I think the same for the cardinals.  

A really pretty day out today but not feeling great so I am being a couch potato.  Bruce Willis on Bravo so I am good for mindless movie watching since I know the Die Hard script pretty well!  

Hoping this crud will be gone for the tomorrow to go see the air show.

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