Strike that. Reverse it!


Oh flippity flip!

I've come to wish you an Unhappy Birthday........

Yep the bad luck continues, my car was broken into last night. Luckily not much was taken just the boys car dvd players and both pairs of my pescription sunglasses grrrr. Oh and a cheapie pair. Not the end of the world but annoying. I'm grateful that I didnt have much in the car but also annoyed as it had taken me ages to pick those glasses and they werent cheap :(

I had planned on getting a lovely blip but discovered my car and for some reason no longer felt in a blip mood.

I promise good mood will return tomorrow and I think I'm just going to forget my birthday for this year, so you can sod off bad luck or on the flip side if this is as bad as it gets then I'm grateful! Just tiny bumps in the road thats all ;0)

Hope you've all had a much better Sunday than I have :0)

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