Long, Tall Woman in a Black …. Coat

Up earlyish to do a last tidy up before bringing the car back to VeroS. I have a feeling I left an apple lying somewhere, hope it’s not on the dining room table. Apple mush is forecast.
Picked up by C4 (I don’t get the moniker either) we headed into town and visited the Munich Kunsthalle, one of her favourite haunts, to see the Silent Rebels exhibition: Polish Symbolism since 1900. Not bad but I wonder how much the artists would agree with the accompanying ‘explanatory’ texts. We moved on to another site of excellence, culinary this time, where a final Bavarian dish was polished off before I headed to the airport and five hours-plus masked up, jeez but my ears were objecting!
Home now, soaked walking from the tram to the bus stop, but home for a while.

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