Hogwarts Night

It all began because of this blip. DaveW, frequent commenter here, though not as yet a blipper, followed up with an invite to his place for an evening of homemade pizza and HarryPotterness. Carl and I kinda entered into the spirit of things by bringing along our wands (actually, chopsticks), printing out a Harry Potter Spellbook from the web, and dressing appropriately. Well ... Carl went to more trouble than I did. Wearing this vaguely Dumbledorish cap was as far as I went.

A great night was had by all. The Hogwarts Express picked us up, the pizzas were terrific, we watched two and a bit of the Harry Potter movies, indulged in some heated discussion about matters totally unrelated to Harry Potter, Hogwarts, magic or anything like that, called a taxi after 2.00 am, and left with two further Harry Potter DVDs to look forward to.

I don't think our hosts were too sorry to see us go.

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