
Well all of us are still testing negative except Xander. I have to test them when they're sleeping otherwise it's like holding down feral cats. 

Carson had his SOGGS assessment earlier ( schedule of growing skills . He was delightful and showed the nurse his true self , he climbed everywhere, played with plug sockets. Climbed up on the bed and sang the whole of baby shark. He scored higher than his age on a few of the tests. Climbing and gross motor, and language. He scored at 3yrs old for his speech and  language skills, although his communication skills is still 0.  Language and communication are totally different although most people assume that they're the same thing . 

He also scored low in a few things, his hearing and language he scored at 12 months. Now I just have to wait for the other referrals to come through and then we will see where we go from there. 

I don't think he has any kind of global developmental delay as he can count to 17 when he wants but we will wait and see. 

Xander is more perkier today which is good. 

Grandad has tested negative the last few days but is now at the hospital. He hasn't been able to see much the last few days so he got a appointment at Specsavers earlier. They think he has a detached retina. I'm waiting to hear from my Mil. She had another doctor appointment this morning. Her heart still hasn't recovered and her pulse and bp are quite high. They have put her back on statins. 

Mr R has worked from home all day and has been upstairs. 

I managed to get a early night last night but Harp had me up a few times so I'll be going up early tonight. Hopefully I can get some studying in before I go up. It's a pretty long module. Very interesting but a lot to take in . 

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