
By chantler63

Quiet on the Streets

I had a few odds and ends to get sorted ahead of our holiday - one of which was to capture some scenes of Aylesbury for the camera club's Location Challenge.  The images need to be shot within a certain time frame and show various aspects of the town.  As we are going away on Thursday, I only had today to find the images.  They are probably not the best and taken in light flatter than the proverbial pancake - but it's the taking part that's important - isn't it?

So a typical street scene of Aylesbury town centre - a few people doing nothing in particular because there's nothing in particular to do!

I have had a lovely evening judging a print competition at Witney - great club - very friendly and they seem to quite like me and the crazy things I say!  The downside is it's an hour's drive each way....  Unfortunately I missed a fun 'It's a Knockout!' evening at my own club so I shall look forward to watching the recording.

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