Photogenic sheep

This sheep came over and posed for me.
How could I refuse?

She was a terrific model and has a great pair of legs
(Other photos here)

I spent most of the morning making bread and mess, and crushing nuts (as you do). It was really gloomy, wet and windy. But after lunch the weather began to improve so Richard, Tess and I took the dog for a nice longish walk and ...
...oh, hang on... I say "Nice" but actually Tess complained pretty much the whole time... Anyways there were moments of nice.

Everything was looking much happier and more April-esque after the rain and the warmer weather (well - less cold) and it smelt warm and vegetation-y

Back home it was suddenly nearly 4 o'clock (how does that happen?!) and time for me to cook a nut roast and all the other official roast dinner things.

What happened to gardening today?

Oh - and Joel grew an inch overnight! He walked in the kitchen suddenly taller!

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