Chocolate Drops For Baking/Decorating

Shot while doing supermarket errands.  We first went to the local recycling 'centre' where they were giving away compost (it really was free) to local residents.  We just had to present our IDs.  Two bags maximum each, so we came away with four, enough to supplement our own compost heap for the backyard.  After that, supermarket errands.  We were lucky there was a dry moment in the day to go out for these things.

Chapter 10 is done and has been mailed.  It has been the most satisfying chapter so far, but I'll see what the other group members have to say about it.  AW had Tuesday evening live bridge in Oudenbosch with Claire and it appears to have gone well.  Did not stop myself from switching on the heating in the evening, only for some three hours, because it was too cold but also because I didn't want to allow any 'damp' to lead to any nasty fungus on the walls.

This was actually an EB as we don't buy these things, normally speaking.

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