
By misswinterfinch

Snow this a.m. and Sun this afternoon

Behold, the clouds reflected near to the ground birdbath. Sunny skies prevailed all afternoon. The apparent stoney rockiness you see is what the locals call, "Top Soil". Last summer the Swiss Chard grew there.
Actually, I'd come outside to take a few photos of the mud hole the renovating elves' trucks had made in the front yard. That was going to be the blip for today but these clouds looked interesting. I didn't see them until the photos loaded on the computer. I also didn't post the one photo in which Gracie T-t jumped into the frame for a quick portrait. Admittedly the area with the newly developed mud hole is part of the garden bog side of the property with serious water holding issues. But I'd mentioned to Elf #2 that if they damaged the sod they'd have to fix it when they return...

So, that leads us to the highly awaited Elf Report, such as it is. I think it could be about 3 weeks since we saw the back of them driving away. But Bill, the Field Inspector, has been here twice now. You may refer to Uncle Buddy's Field Inspector's report of @ two weeks ago. Bill, (not the maple syrup Bill-- this is the other one) came over to have me sign another check to speed up Elf #1's cash flow. Then he will be able to purchase the shower seat and to properly put the covers on the light switches (Elf #2 'faked' the job by balancing the cover on without the screws which he could not find... *sigh*...). As you may recall from one of the enthralling several chapters in the Elf Chronicles, Elf #1's girlfriend of ten years duration, emptied his bank account of all his business operating cash, totaling $40,000. She left him and on the way out she called the Department of Child Services to report his neglect of his 12 year old daughter because he was not home when she got out of school in the afternoon. He had to go to court about that complaint.
Well, Inspector Bill says that our Elf #1 will eventually get back here. He's building a 2 car garage for his ex-wife's husband. All in the family... ours is a long-suffering and forgiving elf.
And, get this. He's taken his girl friend back and her little girl! Elf is the only Dad she has ever known. A lot of crying was going on until they returned. The little one threatened to run away from her mother to go back to "her home, her room and her sister." Bill asked if he was getting back the $40k but Elf said he didn't ask for it. "She needs it". Good grief! Not sure if he has opened a new account with only himself as a signer... In the meantime the Inspector is running around trying to get Elf's operating funds built up again for him. Because of the quality of his work he is a real asset to the county home repair department.
There is no news about Elf #2.
Hope your weekend has been swell...

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