
By Lizimagiz

Portrait of a VIP

This was a chance not to be missed. I made the most of the opportunity (being an opportunist) and grabbed the shot. It is not too hot technically, after all it was grabbed but it is important to all those who avidly follow Ambling Camera.
I am so sorry I cannot actually show you Ambling Camera. It/she/he is well hidden away in the depths of the carry-on bag awaiting the next chance to have its/her/his buttons pushed.
That may be a while as poor Ambling Camera will be tucked away in the bag on a number of International flights until it/she/he reaches the other side of the world and is released for more slavish work for the MISTRESS.
Yes, today's special blip reveals to the world, our VIP, the Mistress herself.
AKA Robyn, she is about to board the first leg of her flights to Europe.
Talking of legs, please note the MOON BOOT. The Mistress is hoping the sight of that will engender enough sympathy to get her up-graded on some flights. Good luck Robyn!
It may pay those of you who are unfamiliar with the Ambling Camera and its/her/his ramblings to check out its entry for yesterday. Do read the comments. They are most revealing.
And as for the Mistress...Robyn ...we wish you all the best on your travels and we are looking forward to your blips from the other side of the world.
Bon Voyage and Arohanui.

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