There's Always Another Park.

I took the girls to the annual Book Fair today.  It's run by the Rotary Club.

It was packed, very difficult to move around, and so much to look at.

I let the girls choose whatever they wanted.  So most were chosen by the look of their covers.

They got 12 books between them, and were happy with their purchases.

They spotted two play parks near to where we parked.  So, of course we had to go and look.

One was small, which is where the see-saw was.  The other which was bigger, and looked much more exciting, was closed, for renovations.

Hopefully, it will be open soon.

I took them to the big play park near the Library.  Where they played for ages.

It was a typical Autumn/Spring day.  Where the sun was warm but there was a cold breeze.

The extras are to show how much they've grown.  It wasn't long ago, when they couldn't even reach this bar.

And Isabella can now swing around on the monkey bars with ease.  Much to the consternation of some of the boys who were watching her.

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