No PMPlug plants

Today's the day .................... to grow on

One of the nice things about coming back home after being away for a while, is to see how much plants have been growing in your absence.

I got a job lot of 72 herbaceous perennials for £9.99 not long before we left.  They came as little plug plants that I managed to pot up.  I gave them a good soak and left them in the unheated greenhouse, hoping that they would survive.  And look at them now!  Proper little plants with lots of leaves and looking very healthy.  They just need to thicken out a bit and when I think the last frosts are gone, they can be planted out in the border.

Ah but then, if those pesky rabbits appear again this year - they could disappear in a trice.  I'll try not to think about that possibility ......................?!

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