Super Human!

……………………or so I’m told!

The two legged alarm woke me about 6.30am so once he’d been transferred to his other grandparents mid morning I had a quiet morning after a general tidy up. It was mid afternoon before I set off for a walk…it was one of those days when it was probably warmer outdoors than in if you were wrapped up well.

I opted to walk along the cliff top again so added another 4.5 miles to take my total to 40 miles. I rather liked the clouds inland at the point I turned round and the view along the length of the prom to Berwick  from the cliff top never disappoints.

Extra: this fence has very recently taken a tumble, it was fully intact at the beginning of the month when I last walked over the cattle grid!

Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday.

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