
By lunchtime it was clear I would not be able to fit in the walk up the lane I had hoped for; but I've always liked the exuberance of dandelions, and fortunately (?) I have plenty in the garden. I was pleased to find rather attractive hoverflies on some of them, gleaming almost violet in the sun; I don't know exactly what they are, the long, clearly marked square ended abdomen should make identification reasonably straightforward but I've not yet found a matching photo. However, for what I mistakenly thought was the year's first Wildflower Week, having got my days in a twist and believed it ended on Sunday, I have chosen the sideways view of the flower, with its shaggy, confident abandon looking very different from the neat rows of petals on which I usually look down. I particularly like the double curls on the stamens, which I had never noticed before - one of many things I've seen more clearly since I started looking through a macro lens. 

Thank you Miranda for restarting and hosting Wildflower Weeks - I'm sorry I somehow managed to be late for the first one!                                         

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