He Is Our King!

Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week, the last week in the earthly life of Jesus.  It is the day when the prophecies were fulfilled concerning the triumphal entry into Jerusalem to announce the coming of His kingdom.  It was a day filled with excitement and passion on the part of those who were followers of Jesus.  They weren't quite sure just how it would happen, but they were filled with joyful expectation that the Messiah they had longed for was finally here to rescue His people from the oppression they had suffered under many rulers.  But, not everyone was pleased at this activity.  The Pharisees were enraged and told Jesus to silence his followers, because they did not want to hear what the people were saying. Jesus answered them by saying that if the people were silent, the very rocks would cry out.  It wouldn't matter what anyone said or didn't say-----Jesus is the King!  He is the true Messianic king.  He is the Lord over all creation.  He is the humble king who brings salvation.  He is the king of peace and righteousness.  He is the weeping king who knows the lostness of humanity and is filled with sorrow at their rejection of the solution.  He is the missed king, because of our own self-centered expectations and pride.  The message of Christ is not to do more and better, the message of Christ is to trust Him, to be sure that we don't miss Him by seeking our peace and security in anything or anyone but Him.  It falls on us to share what we know with the broken dying world around us.  Pastor Wes explains it all so well on the Live-stream, and I can assure you that if you watch it, it will be time well spent as we move toward Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  I am certainly looking forward to both services.....

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