Beic i ddau

Beic i ddau ~ Bicycle for two

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Cerddodd Daniel i'r dre'r bore 'ma a phenderfynon ni ymuno â fe ar ei ffordd adre. Roedd ein cynllun byddai'n gyfle i roi cynnig ar fy meic gyda theithiwr...  Gwnaethom dynnu'r panieri o'r rac cefn a gosod pad sedd cyn seiclo i lawr y llwybr seiclo i'r Caffi’r Ardd Gudd.

Ar ôl paned a rhywbeth i fwyta, gwnaethon ni cychwyn - gyda rhai o anesmwythder ar fy rhan i - i seiclo adre gyda Daniel fel teithiwr. Rodden ni'n ansefydlog ar y dechrau ond gwnaeth e wella wrth i mi ddod i arfer â'r pwysau. Yn y diwedd roedden ni'n llwyddiannus, ond fyddwn i ddim eisiau seiclo fel hwn yn aml.

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Daniel walked to town this morning and we decided to join him on his way home. Our plan was to have the chance to try my bike with a passenger ... We removed the panniers from the rear rack and installed a seat pad before riding down the cycle path to the Secret Garden Café.

After a cuppa and something to eat, we set off - with some trepidation on my part - to cycle home with Daniel as a passenger. We were unstable at first but it got better as I got used to the weight. In the end we were successful, but I wouldn't want to cycle like this often.

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